Tummy Troubles? A Pediatric Chiropractor Can Relieve Constipation in Kids

As a parent, it is heart-wrenching to watch your little one struggle with digestive issues and tummy troubles. Chronic constipation can turn happy days into cranky ones, leaving both kids and parents frustrated and miserable. Many of us have tried using traditional remedies for constipation, such as prune juice, more fiber, lots of water, and probiotics—even turning to medications and laxatives to find relief.

While some of these remedies may temporarily relieve constipation symptoms, more often than not, the symptoms will return. This is because they do not address the root cause of constipation. Enter pediatric chiropractic care, a natural, safe, and effective approach to alleviating constipation in kids while also addressing the root cause and setting them up for lifelong good health.

In this blog, we’ll explore how a pediatric chiropractor can help alleviate constipation in kids, helping your child find relief and bringing more peace back to your family’s routine.

But First, Why Would My Child Need Chiropractic Care?

When we talk about chiropractic for little ones (both in and out of the office), we almost always receive a response along these lines:

“But, what would a kid need a chiropractor for???”

While the chiropractic profession is exponentially growing in popularity and utility, many people still don’t know that kids can (and should) be getting adjusted regularly as well! When we address the question of “Why do kids need chiropractic?” our response tends to be simpler than what parents are looking for:

“Anyone who has a nervous system and stressors in their life should be getting adjusted.”

Naturally, this includes all of us!

As parents, we love specifics, so we get it! Here is our more specific answer to this common question:

“Chiropractic improves the nervous system by improving our body’s response to stressors and allowing it to function at its highest level. This includes the way we move, eat, sleep, and, yes, POOP! In fact, one of the biggest concerns parents have when they bring their kiddos into our office is constipation.”

So…who wants to talk about poop? Let’s dive in!

What is Constipation in Kids? Is it “Normal”?

Constipation is a common concern for infants and children in the United States, but it definitely is not “normal” for your kiddo to be experiencing it—especially on a regular basis. In fact, constipation in children is such a common problem that it accounts for 25% of all visits to the pediatric gastroenterologist.

There’s also a widespread misconception that daily bowel movements aren’t necessary for kids. However, when the nervous system is balanced, and the brain-gut connection is working properly, children typically have a bowel movement every day. If your child is struggling to poop, withholding their poop, pooping every other day, or going even longer without doing their business, they’re constipated. “Being regular” is exactly that: a regular thing! And it shouldn’t be accompanied by any discomfort (before, during, or after).

Why is Constipation a Concern?

Eliminating food waste is necessary for us to live healthy and well lives. If we aren’t able to eliminate the waste we produce after eating or drinking, that stress builds up in our bodies and can overload our systems. This is especially true when we’re young, and our bodies are still growing!

The body is an amazing thing, and our nervous system is like the master control panel of what we do both intentionally (like throwing a baseball to our kids or handing them a glass of water) and automatically (like breathing the fresh, outside air and digesting the food we make them for dinner). This means that when our nervous system isn’t functioning well, we aren’t functioning well. And this includes even our most basic functions like eating, sleeping, and pooping.

Kids getting adjusted at Well Family Chiropractic

Chiropractic and Constipation

So, what can we do about constipation in children? As parents, how can we help regain and maintain healthy plumbing in our little ones?

Not surprisingly, long-term solutions are more than “eat fiber” or “drink water” or “take laxatives”. The best answer to this question includes regular chiropractic care and positive lifestyle choices. Along with receiving regular pediatric chiropractic care to keep your kiddo regular, parents can prioritize a clean diet, hydration, and movement and create a comfortable atmosphere for potty time. Make pooping fun! We all do it! 🙂 The more comfortable children can feel about the natural functions of their body, like pooping, the less anxiety and avoidance behavior will develop over time, which can make the act of going even more challenging.

Treating constipation in kids at Well Family Chiropractic

As a Parent, What Should I Expect During and After the Adjustment?

Pediatric chiropractic adjustments for constipation are extremely safe and gentle. Understandably, many parents and caregivers are nervous about taking their kiddos to the chiropractor (thanks a lot to all the TikTok videos out there that display a chiropractic adjustment as something intense, rough, and even painful!). It is definitely not that!

However, there is a great deal of difference between how adults, adolescence, toddlers, and infants are adjusted. For instance, we often explain to parents that an infant adjustment uses a specific, gentle touch similar to checking the ripeness of a tomato or avocado. A child’s nervous system is much more flexible and malleable than an adult’s. This means we can make a big, positive impact on their nervous system with very little “force.”

We also understand that parents want to know if any risks or concerns are involved with their little one getting adjusted. We like to refer to the “side effects” of chiropractic adjustments as “side benefits.” What do we mean by this exactly?

Well, after even just one adjustment, most parents see significant improvements in sleep. Sometimes, their baby falls asleep right on the table! Or, if the child is older, they might fall asleep in the car on the way home or sleep very deeply that night. This is because our nervous system requires sleep to heal, grow, and develop proper functional patterns we will use for the rest of our lives to combat stress and challenges.

The other most common “side benefit” of chiropractic adjustments for infants and kids is that it stimulates their plumbing to eliminate waste and stress that may have been building up for quite some time. And yes, this means that babies may have a “blowout” right after their adjustment. Or, if your child is potty-trained, you may have to stop at the bathroom before heading home.

This is a great thing! Our children are on their way to having a nervous system that is less stressed and more available to handle the challenges that life throws their way, including, but not limited to, the elimination of waste.

How can I tell if my child is constipated?

How Can I Tell If My Child Is Constipated?

Here are some of the common symptoms your child is constipated:

  • Less frequent bowel movements
  • Incomplete bowel movements
  • Straining, pushing hard or feeling uncomfortable when trying to go
  • Hard, dry stool that may resemble little balls or “rabbit droppings”
  • Tummy aches, bloating and cramping
  • Fussy behavior
  • Signs of withholding (such as becoming rigid, standing on tip toes, asking for a diaper back on to poop, and refusing to sit on the potty).

My Child is Constipated. What are the Next Steps?

If your kiddo is experiencing constipation, especially on a regular basis, it’s important to seek out a neurological-based pediatric chiropractor to help their nervous system come back online to allow their plumbing to function optimally. The ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatrics Association) has a wonderful database of pediatric chiropractors around the United States and can be one of the best first steps in finding a provider near you.

Welcome to Well Family Chiropractic, a team of pregnancy and pediatric chiropractors in Mequon, WI

About Well Family Chiropractic

At Well Family Chiropractic, our goal is to educate, empower, and adjust families toward a life of natural health through chiropractic care. Our office is focused on pediatrics, pregnancy, and family care. With a special interest in improving the lives of children with pediatric chiropractic adjustments, we want to give the kids a healthy start in life. We love teaching our young patients the importance of wellness and the importance of regular chiropractic care and the role it plays in their health.

While we do see a lot of babies and kids, we see a lot of adults and full families too. It’s important for kids to grow up healthy, but it’s never too late to get on the path to health as an adult either. In fact, another area we specialize is prenatal chiropractic care and we are Webster Technique certified.

Our office is located in Mequon, and we serve surrounding communities such as Cedarburg, Grafton, Menomonee Falls, Germantown, and the Milwaukee North Shore (Bayside, River Hills, Glendale, Fox Point, Whitefish Bay and Shorewood).

If you’re interested in chiropractic care for your child, don’t hesitate to contact us for more information or to schedule your first visit.

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Webster Technique for a healthy pregnancy at Well Family Chiropractic in Mequon, WIWelcome to Well Family Chiropractic, a team of pregnancy and pediatric chiropractors in Mequon, WI